IGNOU MPYE-05 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. Explain syadvad and anekantvad. Discuss the role of these theories in Ethics advocated by Jainism.
Compare the concept of reality of Sikhism and Buddhism.
2. Explain the core beliefs of Christianity.
What is the concept of purusartha in Hinduism? Write a short note on the metaphysical basis of purusartha.
3. Answer any two questions in about 250 words each.
a) How Buddhist Philosophy try to establish karma-theory without accepting soul?
b) Discuss the basic principles of faith in Judaism.
c) Discuss the concept of Ren and Empathy in Confucianism. How do these concepts contribute in the moral philosophy of Confucianism?
d) ) Discuss the idea of essence and existence in Islamic Philosophy.
4. Answer any four questions in about 150 words each.
a) Write a short note on the Concept of Rta.
b) What is the concept of Tao? Discuss the philosophy of Symbol in Taoism.
c) Critically evaluate Idea of Cosmology in Zoroastrian Metaphysics.
d) Critically evaluate the idea of transmigration of Soul in Hindu Metaphysics.
e) What is the concept of momentariness (kshanbhangvad)? Do you think that the argument of arthakriyakaritva can establish kshanbhangvad?
f) Discuss the idea of Kami in Shinto Theology.
5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.
a) Adi Granth
b) Incarnation
c) The idea of Xiao
d) Concept of Zakat
e) Concept of Triratna
f) Concept of Sruti
g) Mussar Movement
h) Concept of Ikomkar
IGNOU MPYE-05 (December 2023 – June 2024) Assignment Questions
1. Write a note on moral philosophy of Buddhism.
Write a note on moral philosophy of Sikhism.
2. Discuss and critically evaluate the idea of purusartha.
What is karmavada? Compare between karma theory of Buddhism and Hinduism.
3. Answer any two questions in about 250 words each.
a) Discuss the moral implications of syadvada.
b) Discuss the basic principles of faith in Judaism.
c) Write a note on the moral philosophy of Confucianism?
d) Discuss the doctrine of the Trinity in the light of Christian Metaphysics.
4. Answer any four questions in about 150 words each.
a) Write a note on Christian metaphysics.
b) Write a note on the moral philosophy of Taoism.
c) Critically evaluate Idea of Cosmology in Zoroastrian Metaphysics.
d) Write a note on Jain Metaphysics.
e) Write a note on the metaphysical implications of four noble truths.
f) Write a note on the significance of Mussar Movement.
5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.
a) Veda
b) kshanbhangvad
c) Nishkamakarma
d) Concept of Zakat
e) Ren
f) Sruti
g) Kami
h) Concept of Ikomkar