IGNOU MER-06 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. Describe the general procedure adopted in making location decisions for a firm. Discuss the locational problems faced in selection of plant site for single as well as multifacility location.
2. Explain the concept of Break Even Analysis. How Break Even Point is calculated? Discuss.
3. Define market demand, discuss the various elements which determine the market demand.
4. “Plant location is a strategic decision that has to be arrived at after careful deliberations of various factors involved”. With reference to the statement given above discuss the factors that have to be taken into account while locating a plant.
5. Why is Stabilization phase regarded as the most critical phase in the life of any enterprise? Discuss the stabilization strategies adopted to stabilize an enterprise.
IGNOU MER-06 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
1. What are the various components of entrepreneurial competencies? Differentiate between Competency and skill.
2. Explain the concept of Break Even Analysis. How Break Even Point is calculated? Discuss.
3. Define market demand, discuss the various elements which determine the market demand.
4. “Plant location is a strategic decision that has to be arrived at after careful deliberations of various factors involved”. With reference to the statement given above discuss the factors that have to be taken into account while locating a plant.
5. Why is Stabilization phase regarded as the most critical phase in the life of any enterprise? Discuss the stabilization strategies adopted to stabilize an enterprise.