IGNOU MMPB-06 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. Explain the different models of Corporate Governance? Explain Asian Family based model with the help of a suitable example.
2. Explain introduction of Basel Norms in India. Describe Reserve Bank of India’s Approach to Implementation of Basel Norms in India?
3. What is a Non Banking Financial Company? Differentiate Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) from Banks. Explain the role of NBFCs in Economic Development of a country.
4. Explain the meaning of Financial Inclusion. Discuss the Government Initiatives for Financial Inclusion.
5. Write short notes on the following:-
(a) Business Ethics
(b) Disclosure and Transparency
(c) Mutual Funds
IGNOU MMPB-06 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
1. “The Board of Directors forms the most vital aspect of Corporate Governance.” Briefly discuss the role of the Board of Directors in governance mechanism.
2. Why is Financial Reporting an important aspect of Corporate Governance? Elaborate on the contents of financial accounting which are required to be disclosed.
3. Discuss the key provisions of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations1996, which were framed with the objective to improve the performance of the mutual fund industry.
4. Explain the three principles of Social Responsibility: Sustainability, Accountability, and Transparency which together comprise the central tenet of the social contract between a business and other parts of the society.
5. Write short notes on the following:
• Agency theory
• Related Party Transaction
• NBFCs (Non-Banking Finance Companies)
• Microfinance