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IGNOU MCSL-216 DAA and Web Design Lab - IGNOU Solved Assignment (Latest)

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IGNOU MCSL-216 (January 2024 – July 2024) Assignment Questions


Q1: Implement the task scheduling algorithm on your system to minimize the total amount of time spent in the system for the following problem:

  • Job 1 5 2 10
  • Service Time 3 7 4 8

Q2: Implement a recursive binary search algorithm on your system to search for a number 100 in the following array of integers:
10 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 100
Show the processes step by step. Also, Draw recursive calls to be made in this problem


Q1: Design a form for booking a room in the Hostel through an institutional website


  • Use Java script to validate all the fields.
  • Submit button should enter all the fields’ data to the database.
  • Error message should be shown if a text field is left blank.
  • Reset button resets all the fields to the blank.
  • Design a check box for selecting a payment mode.
  • Design a drop down list for selecting a country field.

IGNOU MCSL-216 (January 2023 – July 2023) Assignment Questions


Q1. Implement Quick Sort’s algorithm on your machine to sort the following list of elements
12 20 22 16 25 18 8 10 6 15
Also, compare the performance of Quick Sort algorithm implemented for the data given above with the performance of the Quick Sort algorithm when used to sort the data given below
6 8 10 12 15 16 18 20 22 25
Note :
• Performance Comparison is required in terms of a number of comparisons, exchange operations and the number of times the loop will iterate?
• Show step by step processes, and support your code with suitable comments for better readability.

Q2. Apply Huffman’s algorithm to construct an optimal binary prefix code for the letters and its frequencies in the table given below (Show the complete steps).


Find out an average number of bits required per character. Also, Implement Huffman’s coding algorithm and run for the given problem instance. Support your code with suitable comments for better readability


Q3. Design a form for the Patient Satisfaction Survey for a particular hospital having the following fields:

• Patient’s name
• Patient’s File number (Issued by the hospital)
• Which Unit of the hospital the patient was admitted Select V (Surgery, Medicine, etc.)
• Are you satisfied with overall treatment :
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Not Satisfied
• Are you satisfied with medical facilities in the hospital :
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Not Satisfied
• Overall Comments
• Submit
• Reset

Note : you are required judiciously choose the options for Text Box, Combo Box, Radio Button, Check Box, Buttons etc. for the respective fields required in the form

a) Submit button should enter all the fields’ data to the database.
b) Error message should be shown if a text field is left blank.
c) Reset button resets all the fields to the blank.
d) Use JavaScript to validate the fields.

Q4. Create an HTML web page, as shown below. The cookie1 and cookie2 will be set on pressing Set Cookie1or Set Cookie2 button and the stored cookie value will be displayed on pressing Get Cookie1 or Get Cookie2 button respectively. On the other hand selectively cookie can be deleted by pressing Delete Cookie1 or Delete Cookie2 button. Display all cookies button will show all the stored cookies.


MCSL-216 Assignments Details

University : IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Title :DAA and Web Design Lab
Language(s) : English
Code : MCSL-216
Degree :
Subject : Computer Application
Course : Practical Courses (PC)
Author : Panel
Publisher : Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

IGNOU MCSL-216 (Jan 24 - Jul 24, Jan 23 - Jul 23) - Solved Assignment

Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment MCSL-216 – DAA and Web Design Lab Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in Urdu language. This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of English, for the Jan 24 - Jul 24, Jan 23 - Jul 23 session. The code for the assignment is MCSL-216 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the IGNOU Solved Assignments, MCA (Revised) Degree. Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.

Assignment Submission End Date-upto

The IGNOU open learning format requires students to submit study Assignments. Here is the final end date of the submission of this particular assignment according to the university calendar.

  • 30th April (if Enrolled in the June Exams)
  • 31st October (if Enrolled in the December Exams).

What’s Included

In this section you can find other relevant information related to the Assignment you are looking at. It will give you an idea of what to expect when downloading a PDF soft copy from GullyBaba.

  • All Solved Answers By IGNOU Experts.
  • Available for 3 Times for Download.
  • Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF.
  • Print Ready Format: A4 (21 x 29 x .20 cm (Width x Length x Height)
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DAA and Web Design Lab
