IGNOU MCSL-223 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
PART-I: Computer Networks
Q1: Setup 4 nodes, two TCP client and server pair and two UDP client and server pair. Send packets to respective clients from both the servers. Monitor the traffic for both the pair and plot the number of bytes received. Make necessary assumptions.
PART-II: Data Mining Lab
Q1: Implement simple K-Means Algorithm to demonstrate the clustering rule on the following datasets:
(a) iris.arff
(b) student.arff
IGNOU MCSL-223 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
PART-I: Computer Networks
Q1: Create a simple network topology having two client nodes on left side and two server nodes on the right side. Both clients are connected with another node n1. Similarly, both server node are connected to node n2. Also connect nodes n1 and n2 thus forming a dumbbell shape topology. Use point to point link only. You can use any Network Simulator.
PART-II: Data Mining Lab
Q1: Perform the following:
a. Create an Exam_Results Table with the help of Data Mining Tool WEKA.
b. Apply Pre-Processing techniques to the training data set of Exam_Results Table.
c. Normalize Exam_Results Table data using Knowledge Flow / any other similar tool.
d. To construct a Decision Tree for Exam_Results data and classify it.
Note: Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. State them.
e. Write a procedure for Visualization for Exam_Results Table