IGNOU MCH-19 (July 2024 – June 2025) Assignment Questions
1. List the twelve principles of green chemistry.
2. Explain the principle of using safer solvents and auxiliaries.
3. Explain the terms-‘reaction yield’ and ‘atom economy’. How are these two different?
4. What aspects should be kept in mind while selecting a proper feedstock for synthesis from green chemistry point of view?
5. What are VOCs? Give examples. Explain various sources of VOCs.
6. Explain various type of chemical reactions giving a suitable example for each.
7. When we search the literature available for a particular compound, what questions we should explore about it to know that it is a safe chemical.
8. Discuss various aspects of toxicity of a chemical to the humans to be considered while making a wiser choice from the available options.
9. Illustrate how can chemicals harm and changes the local environment.
10. Discuss the harmful effects of global climate change.
11. Explain the Boots synthesis of ibuprofen giving the chemical recations involved.
12. Discuss the reactions involved in the greener synthesis of ibuprofen. Why is it greener as compared to Boots synthesis?
13. Explain the importance of adipic acid. Write the scheme of its synthesis starting from benzene.
14. Discuss the harmful effects of the chemicals used in the above synthesis (Q.13) of adipic acid.
15. What are antifoulants? Discuss the harmful effects of TBTO.
16. Explain the harmful effects of blowing agents used in the manufacturing of EPS.
17. What are the implications of using chlorine for obtaining white paper? Explain.
18. Discuss the role of TAML activators in the bleaching of paper.
19. Explain the synthesis of PET starting from p-xylene. Write the reactions involved.
20. Discuss the application of green chemistry in the synthesis of drugs simvastatin, naproxen and aspirin. List some greener methods of synthesis being used these days in chemical laboratories.