IGNOU MST-23 (June 2024 – June 2025) Assignment Questions
1(a) State whether the following statements are true or false and a lso give the reason in support of your answer.
(i) A blueprint of research work is called research design.
(ii) The method of research involves in manipulating one variable to establish causation with another variable is known as Experimental research.
(iii) An example of qualitative research is Grounded theory research.
(iv) When researchers use designs that call for multiple groups, the most commonly employed test is F-test.
(v) The term “research methodology” refers to the theoretical paradigms for data collection, analysis and interpretation.
2 (a) Briefly explain various types of research approaches.
(b) What are the conference proceedings and how do they differ from journal articles?
3 (a) What do you understand by a survey? Discuss differences between a census and survey.
(b) What are non-parametric methods of statistical analysis? What are the advantage and disadvantage.
4 (a) What are arbitrary scales of measurement? Discuss some situations where these scales are used.
(b) Discuss the main components of research paper which are used in presentation in Conferences/seminar.
5 (a) How does academic writing showcase critical thinking, systemic analysis and effective communications.
(b) Define plagiarism and explain the types of plagiarism with suitable examples.