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IGNOU MCH-11 Inorganic Chemistry-I - IGNOU Solved Assignment (Latest)

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IGNOU MCH-11 (January 2025 – December 2025) Assignment Questions

1. a) Give the trends in metallic radii of alkali, alkaline earth and transition metals of fourth, fifth and sixth periods with proper illustration.

b) Explain periodic variation of electronegativity with atomic number for the first six rows of the periodic table.

2. a) What are the possible molecular structures of xenon hexafluoride? Explain with suitable figures. Explain the geometrical isomers of Ma2b2cd complex with suitable figures.

b) With suitable illustration explain the theory of Craig and Paddock for π bonding in phosphazenes. Give some synthetic routes for polyphosphazenes.

3. a) Explain the concept of hapticity giving suitable examples.
b) What is β-elimination in organometallic chemistry? What is the role of agnostic alkyls in β-elimination?

4. a) With suitable examples explain fluxional organometallic compounds. What are the probable of symmetric and semibridging carbonyls. Give suitable examples.
b) Determine the number and symmetry designations of the infrared-active C-O modes in the following derivatives of Mo(CO)6.
Mo(CO)5PR3 cis-Mo(CO)4 (PR3)2
trans-MO(CO)4 (PR3)2 fac-Mo(CO)3 (PR3)3

5. a) With the help of molecular orbital theory explain the geometry of the nitrosyl ligand.
b) What are the polydentate phosphines? How do you prepare molybdenocene.

6. a) Give the structures of  Capture

b) What are Wade’s Rule? Apply them to any metalloborane.

7. a) Explain the different types of compounds having multiple metal-metal bonds.
b) If pairing energy P for Fe3+ ion is 29,875 cm-1 and ∆O for [Fe (H2O)6]3+ is 13,700 cm-1, find out
(i) whether the complex is high spin or low spin
(ii) the number of unpaired electrons
(iii) whether the complex is coloured or not?

8. a) Give the octahedral as well as tetrahedral field electronic configuration for Cr3+ and Co3+ ions. Which site will be preferred by these ions, octahedral or tetrahedral? Justify your answer.
b) Explain the Curie Law and Curie-Weiss Law along with their plots.

9. a) With suitable illustration explain the super exchange mechanism in d-metal complexes.
b) Write the Russell-Saunders terms symbols for states with the angular momentum quantum numbers  Capture-1

10. a) [FeF6]3- is almost colourless whereas [CoF6]3- is coloured and exhibits only a single band in the visible region of the spectrum. Justify.
b) Explain charge transfer spectra with suitable examples. What is the reason for the deep purple colour of the permanganate ion?


IGNOU MCH-11 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions

1. a) Give the trends in metallic radii of alkali, alkaline earth and transition metals of fourth, fifth and sixth periods with proper illustration.

b) Explain periodic variation of electronegativity with atomic number for the first six rows of the periodic table.

2. a) What are the possible molecular structures of xenon hexafluoride? Explain with suitable figures. Explain the geometrical isomers of Ma2b2cd complex with suitable figures.

b) With suitable illustration explain the theory of Craig and Paddock for π bonding in phosphazenes. Give some synthetic routes for polyphosphazenes.

3. a) Explain the concept of hapticity giving suitable examples.
b) What is β-elimination in organometallic chemistry? What is the role of agnostic alkyls in β-elimination?

4. a) With suitable examples explain fluxional organometallic compounds. What are the probable of symmetric and semibridging carbonyls. Give suitable examples.
b) Determine the number and symmetry designations of the infrared-active C-O modes in the following derivatives of Mo(CO)6.
Mo(CO)5PR3 cis-Mo(CO)4 (PR3)2
trans-MO(CO)4 (PR3)2 fac-Mo(CO)3 (PR3)3

5. a) With the help of molecular orbital theory explain the geometry of the nitrosyl ligand.
b) What are the polydentate phosphines? How do you prepare molybdenocene.

6. a) Give the structures of  Capture

b) What are Wade’s Rule? Apply them to any metalloborane.

7. a) Explain the different types of compounds having multiple metal-metal bonds.
b) If pairing energy P for Fe3+ ion is 29,875 cm-1 and ∆O for [Fe (H2O)6]3+ is 13,700 cm-1, find out
(i) whether the complex is high spin or low spin
(ii) the number of unpaired electrons
(iii) whether the complex is coloured or not?

8. a) Give the octahedral as well as tetrahedral field electronic configuration for Cr3+ and Co3+ ions. Which site will be preferred by these ions, octahedral or tetrahedral? Justify your answer.
b) Explain the Curie Law and Curie-Weiss Law along with their plots.

9. a) With suitable illustration explain the super exchange mechanism in d-metal complexes.
b) Write the Russell-Saunders terms symbols for states with the angular momentum quantum numbers  Capture-1

10. a) [FeF6]3- is almost colourless whereas [CoF6]3- is coloured and exhibits only a single band in the visible region of the spectrum. Justify.
b) Explain charge transfer spectra with suitable examples. What is the reason for the deep purple colour of the permanganate ion?

MCH-11 Assignments Details

University : IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Title :Inorganic Chemistry-I
Language(s) : English
Code : MCH-11
Degree :
Subject : Analytical Chemistry
Course : Core Courses (CC)
Author : Panel
Publisher : Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

IGNOU MCH-11 (Jan 24 - Dec 24, Jan 25 - Dec 25) - Solved Assignment

Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment MCH-11 – Inorganic Chemistry-I Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in Urdu language. This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of English, for the Jan 24 - Dec 24, Jan 25 - Dec 25 session. The code for the assignment is MCH-11 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the IGNOU Solved Assignments, MSCANCHEM, MSCCHEM Degree. Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.

Assignment Submission End Date-upto

The IGNOU open learning format requires students to submit study Assignments. Here is the final end date of the submission of this particular assignment according to the university calendar.

  • 30th April (if Enrolled in the June Exams)
  • 31st October (if Enrolled in the December Exams).

What’s Included

In this section you can find other relevant information related to the Assignment you are looking at. It will give you an idea of what to expect when downloading a PDF soft copy from GullyBaba.

  • All Solved Answers By IGNOU Experts.
  • Available for 3 Times for Download.
  • Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF.
  • Print Ready Format: A4 (21 x 29 x .20 cm (Width x Length x Height)
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