IGNOU MCH-15 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions
1. a) What is meant by domains of life? Describe in brief the different domains of life.
b) Compare and contrast the cellular organisation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
2. a) Describe the method of separating the subcellular organelles. Illustrate your answer.
b) Define pH and buffer. How are the two related? Name the two important biological buffers in the human body.
3. a) Draw and explain the open chain and ring structures of monosaccharides taking a suitable example.
b) Describe the structure and classification of fatty acids giving examples.
4. a) What are zwitterions? Explain taking an amino acid as the example. How does a zwitterion relate to the isoelectric point of an amino acid?
b) Differentiate between a nucleotide and nucleoside giving their structures.
5. a) Describe the structural basis for the role of ATP as the energy carrier in biological systems. Write the reaction involved.
b) What are coupling reactions? Explain their significance in the biological systems.
6. a) Differentiate between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis writing the reactions in which these two differ from each other.
b) Describe the central role of TCA cycle in the metabolism of biomolecules in a living system.
7. a) Name the three stages of catabolism of amino acids and give a schematic representation of the same.
b) Describe the fate of uric acid during the degeneration of purine nucleotides.
8. a) What is meant by immunity? Enumerate the different levels of defense in the body.
b) Differentiate between an antigen and an antibody. Describe and illustrate the structure of an antibody.
9. a) Describe any one experiment which proved that ‘DNA is the genetic material’.
b) Explain the process of DNA replication. Illustrate your answer.
10. a) Describe the structure and role of ribosomes in protein biosynthesis.
b) Describe the oxidative degradation of acyl-CoA during the degradation of fatty acids.