IGNOU MFN-02 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
IGNOU MFN-02 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Section A –Descriptive Questions
There are ten questions in this part. Answer all questions.
1. a) What is starch? Give its biochemical structure.
b) List the important reactions of monosaccharides. Explain any two in detail.
c) Give an example of a Trisaccharide.What is it made up of?
2. a)What are Eicosonoids? Briefly describe their role in the body.
b) Discuss the four basic structural levels of proteins, giving examples.
3. a) List the different classes of enzymes. Explain any two in detail.
b) Explain briefly the three major classes of enzyme inhibition?
c) Name the enzymes whose blood levels are determined during clinical diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome.
4. a) Describe the role of enzymes in digestion of food in the body.
b) Explain the process of absorption and transport of lipids in our body.
5. a) What is gluconeogenesis? Discuss the four substrates used in gluconeogenesis.
b) What is Phosphogluconate pathway? Give any three significance of this pathway.
6. a) Write briefly the steps involved in cholesterol synthesis in the body.
b) What do you understand by the term hyperproteinemias.
c) Name three ketone bodies seen in ketosis.
7. a) Explain the Urea cycle indicating the enzymes and co-enzymes involved in it.
b) Explain the different ways by which non essential amino acid is biosynthesised .
8. a) Describe the role of free radicals in lipid peroxidation.
b) What are antioxidants? Give their classification and role in brief.
9. a) Indicate the steps involved in formation of vitamin D3.
b) Why minerals are essential for us? Give the biochemical role of zinc in our body.
10. a) What do you understand by the term “inborn errors of metabolism”?
b) Differentiate between Group I and Group II hormones, giving examples.
Section B – OTQ (Objective Type Questions)
1. Explain the following in 2-3 sentences. Also give the structure wherever possible.
a. Isomer
b. Essential fatty acids
c. Isoprene
d. Turnover number
e. Brush border
f. Electron Transport Chain
g. Ketosis
h. Metalloflavoproteins
i. Transcription
j. Allosteric mechanisms
2. Name the defective enzyme in the following diseases:
a) Alcaptonuria
b) Gaucher’s disease
c) Homocystinuria
d) Pentosuria
e) Albinism
3. Match the items in List I with items in List II :
List I List II
I Maltose A Glucose + Maltose
II Type IV hyperproteinemia B Glucose + Glucose
III Sucrose C Glucose + Galactose
IV Type II a hyperproteinemia D Glucose + Fructose
V Lactose E Increase cholesterol +Triglyceride
F Increase cholesterol +LDL
G Increase cholesterol +Triglyceride+VLDL