IGNOU MFN-06 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
IGNOU MFN-06 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Section A -DescriptiveQuestions
There are ten questions in this part. Each question carries equal marks. Answer all the questions.
1. a) Define Public Nutrition. Elaborate the role of public nutritionist in health care delivery.
b) What do you understand by food security? Discuss various determinants of food security.
2. a) What are Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)? Enlist any four SDGs.
b) Give clinical and sub-clinical forms of PEM. What characteristic features you will observe for differentiating between marasmus and kwashiorkor?
c) List various causes of PEM in children.
3. a) Discuss various measures you will recommend for preventing iron deficiency anaemia in community.
b) Explain manifestations and treatment for pellagra in detail.
4. a) Discuss causes and prevention of the following:
i. Fluorosis
ii. Lathyrism
b) Briefly explain different aspects of nutrition economics and their interaction.
5. a) What do you understand by demographic transition? Explain various stages of demographic cycle in detail.
b) Define Nutritional Anthropometry. Explain how it is used as a tool to assess nutritional status of an individual.
6. a) What are biochemical tests used to assess PEM and Vitamin A deficiency?Explain.
b) Describe the methods to assess dietary intakes of an individual.
7. a) What is the objective of NIPI? Describe its programme strategy in detail.
b) Elaborate diet /food based strategy used to combat nutrition problems.
8. a) Enlist various research action programmes implemented in different states of our country to improve the nutritional status of vulnerable groups. Elaborate any two.
b) What skills are required by a personnel manager?
9. a) What is Key informant approach? Give advantages of key informant approach.
b) Explain Delphi technique and Nominal group process technique for situational analysis.
10. a) Elaborate different phases for planning a nutrition education in a community.
b) Briefly describe various channels of communication.
Section B – OTQ (ObjectiveTypeQuestions)
1. Explain the following in 2-3 sentences each:
i) Nutrition policy
ii) ICDS
iii) Indirect assessment of nutritional status
iv) Consequences of malnutrition
v) Classification of goitre
2. Explain the following terms:
ii) Primary health care
iii) Population policy
iv) Ariboflavinosis
v) Community participation
3. Match the items in List I with the items in List II:
I Referral services A Iodine
II Cretinism B Body weight
III Knock-knees C Triple A cycle
IV Salter scale D Primary Health Care
V NSS E Rickets