IGNOU MFN-08 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
IGNOU MFN-08 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Section A -DescriptiveQuestions
There are ten questions in this part. Answer all the questions.
1. a) Explain in brief function of sugars in foods.
b) How melanins (brown pigments) are formed during food processing? Explain.
2. a) Discuss gelatinization and retrogradation of starches in brief.
b) What are food hydrocolloids? List its uses in food processing industry.
c) What is extruded starch? Give example.
3. a) Describe various factors which influence the process of deep fat frying.
b) Explain how autoxidation causes deterioration of fats and oils.
c) Give examples of transport proteins in plasma.
4. a) Briefly describe advantages and disadvantages of using microorganisms as a source of protein.
b) What is WPC? Write its uses and functional properties.
5. a) Give nutritional and functional role of following:
i. Copper
ii. Iron
iii. Biotin
iv. Cynocobalamin
b) Write about microbial and animal sources of natural colours used in foods.
6. a) Differentiate between sols, gels and suspension by giving their properties
b) Explain Dash Pot Model for measuring rheology parameters.
7. a) Briefly describe advantages of food irradiation over conventional process of preservation.
b) Describe alterations occurring in milk and milk products while processing.
8. a) Explain the following methods of food processing:
i. Smoking
ii. Pickling
iii. Fermentation
iv. Irradiation
b) Briefly explain process of Canning of different foods.
9. a) What do you understand by microwave heating? Give its application in food processing.
b) Discuss various bacterial fermented foods and their characteristics.
10. a) Explain term ‘Minimally Processed Fresh Foods’. Also give advantages of these products.
b) Discuss physical, chemical and microbiological changes that occur during food storage and distribution.
Section B – OTQ (ObjectiveTypeQuestions)
1. Explain the following briefly in 2 –3 lines:
I. Product development
II. HTST pasteurization
III. Emulsions
IV. Cryogenic Freezing
V. Marinating
2. Differentiate between the following:
i) Primary processing and Secondary processing of cereals
ii) Preservation and Fermentation
iii) Guar gum and Gellan gum
iv) Autoxidation and lipolysis
v) Spray drying and Roller drying
3. Match the following:
I Irradiation A -18˚C to -40˚C
II Freezing B Kilograys
III Stability of dough C Compressimeter
IV Chilling D Farinograph
V Softness of baked products E 0˚C to 5˚C