IGNOU MGG-03 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
All Questions are compulsory.
1. Write a detailed note on concept of regions and regional geography.
2. Discuss in detail about the genesis of regions during ancient period in India.
3. Write a detailed note on regional division, geology and physiography of Himalayas.
4. Write a detailed note on population characteristics of chotanagpur plateau.
All Questions are compulsory.
5. Write a detailed note on physical basis of regionalization.
6. Discuss in detail about the review and critical evaluation of the scheme of regionalization presented by K.S. Ahmad.
7. Write a detailed note on climate and vegetation of Bengal delta.
8. Write Short notes on the following.
a) Differentiate between vernacular region and adhoc region
b) Areas of attraction
c) Factors and processes of changing dimensions of india’s regional structure
d) Regions of bundelkhand
e) Vegetation of sunderbans delta
f) Prospects and problems of Sikkim Himalaya
IGNOU MGG-03 (July 2023 – June 2024) Assignment Questions
All Questions are compulsory.
1. Write a detailed note on concept of regions and regional geography.
2. Discuss in detail about the genesis of regions during ancient period in India.
3. Write a detailed note on regional division, geology and physiography of Himalayas.
4. Write a detailed note on population characteristics of chotanagpur plateau.
All Questions are compulsory.
5. Write a detailed note on physical basis of regionalization.
6. Discuss in detail about the review and critical evaluation of the scheme of regionalization presented by K.S. Ahmad.
7. Write a detailed note on climate and vegetation of Bengal delta.
8. Write Short notes on the following.
a) Differentiate between vernacular region and adhoc region
b) Areas of attraction
c) Factors and processes of changing dimensions of india’s regional structure
d) Regions of bundelkhand
e) Vegetation of sunderbans delta
f) Prospects and problems of Sikkim Himalaya