IGNOU MGY-06 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Part A
1. What do you understand by data integration? Discuss the contributions of remote
sensing in integration with GIS.
2. Describe database models and database modelling. Give an account of various types of database models.
3. Write short notes on the following:
a) Stages of data integration.
b) Characteristics of a good DBMS.
c) Semivariogram .
d) Spatial distance measurement.
e) Applications of buffer analysis.
f) Pattern analysis and its application.
Part B
4. What is network analysis? Discuss in detail different methods of network analysis.
5. Compare static and dynamic models. Give an account of dynamic modelling in GIS.
6. Write short notes on the following:
a) Methods and applications of local operation.
b) Steps in development of a model.
c) Factors influencing watershed analysis.
d) GIS system development life cycle.
e) Models of GIS design.
f) Advantages of developing GIS programming skills
IGNOU MGY-06 (January 2024 – June 2024) Assignment Questions
Part A
1. Discuss the methods of remote sensing and GIS integration.
2. What is data mining? Discuss in detail (in ~400 words) the process and techniques of data mining.
3. Write short notes on the following:
a) Geostatistics
b) Types of buffers
c) Neighbourhood operations
d) Line-of-sight operation
e) Feature manipulation
Part B
4. What is overlay analysis? Discuss in detail different methods of overlay analysis.
5. Give an account of multicriteria analysis.
6. Write short notes on the following:
a) Vector 3-D data processing
b) Scope of python programming in GIS
c) GIS project planning
d) Methods of interpolation
e) Connectivity analysis