IGNOU MTTM-06 Marketing for Tourism Managers - IGNOU Solved Assignment (Latest)
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IGNOU MTTM-06 (January 2024 – July 2024) Assignment Questions
1. Discuss the characteristics of Service Industry. Explain how it affects the Marketing Mix with suitable example.
2. What do you understand by “Marketing Research”? Discuss the relevance of Marketing Research for Tourism Industry.
3. Describe the process of a new product development. Substantiate your answer with suitable examples from Tourism Industry.
4. What is meant by “Consumer Behaviour”? What are the factors that affect Consumer Behaviour in the Tourism Industry? Explain with the help of examples.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following:
i. Role of Wholesaler in Tourism
ii. Cyber marketing and Tourism
iii. Branding in tourism
6. “Each stage of Product Life Cycle requires different marketing strategy”. Comment on the statement and support your answer with relevant examples from Tourism and Hospitality industry.
7. Discuss the need and process of training and motivating the sales personnel.
8. Discuss the methods of designing a marketing organisation.
9. Explain the channels of distribution of tourism industry with relevant examples.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
i. Demand forecasting for a tourism product
ii. Marketing Communication in tourism
iii. Personal Selling in tourism and hospitality industry
IGNOU MTTM-06 (January 2023 – July 2023) Assignment Questions
1. Discuss the relevance of social marketing in modern society. Substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
2. Define Market Segmentation. Discuss the significance of market segmentation in the tourism industry with the help of suitable examples.
3. Discuss the various elements of Marketing Mix. What is the role of “People” in tourism service marketing?
4. Discuss the concept of marketing strategy. Explain with the help of suitable examples the marketing strategy to be adopted to promote a tourism product.
5. Differentiate between the following:
i. Cyber marketing and Social Marketing
ii. Publicity and Advertisement
iii. Product Line and Product Mix
iv. Trademark and Branding
6. Explain the significance of demand forecasting while marketing a tourism product.
7. Explain with the help of suitable examples the need of Personal Selling in tourism and hospitality industry. Also mention the industries that primarily rely on personal selling and why.
8. What are the various determinants of Pricing? Explain with the help of suitable examples from the tourism and hospitality industry.
9. Discuss the impact of Government Control on Product Design. Support your answer with suitable examples.
10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
i. Psychological Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour
ii. Marketing Research
iii. Characteristics of Service Industry
MTTM-06 Assignments Details
University | : | IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) |
Title | : | Marketing for Tourism Managers |
Language(s) | : | English |
Code | : | MTTM-06 |
Degree | : | |
Subject | : | Tourism Management |
Course | : | Core Courses (CC) |
Author | : | Gullybaba.com Panel |
Publisher | : | Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. |