IGNOU MTTM-10 (January 2024 – July 2024) Assignment Questions
1. What is sustainable development? How can development of tourism be sustainable? Give suitable examples.
2. Write an essay on “Global Tourism effect”?
3. Discuss the characteristics of “Economic impacts”.
4. Discuss” Local Agenda 21 and its significance”.
5. Discuss the potential determinants of carrying capacity in tourism.
6. What are the issues of guest-host interactions?
7. What are the benefits of study of social impacts of tourism? Give Examples.
8. Write short notes on:
i). Role of Gambling in tourism
ii). Role of Drugs in tourism
9. Describe eco-tourism resources of India?
10. Write short notes on:
i) Organizations involved in wildlife conservation.
ii) Tourism impacts on mountain environment.
IGNOU MTTM-10 (January 2023 – July 2023) Assignment Questions
1. Describe in detail types of economic analysis done to measure the tourism impacts.
2. What do you understand by tourism carrying capacity? Calculate tourism carrying capacity of any beach area.
3. Discuss the global characteristics of travel and tourism.
4. How tourism, artisans and crafts are interrelated. Give suitable examples.
5. Write an essay on “Tourism related gambling and use of drugs”.
6. Write short notes on
a) Cultural attraction
b) Contrived attractions
7. “Authenticity and historicity go hand in hand”. Critically analyse the statement.
8. Discuss the impacts resulting from increased human use of wildlife area. Give suitable examples.
9. Discuss the impacts of tourism on “Mountain Environment”. How to minimise the same.
10. Write short notes on the following:
a) NGO’s role in tourism
b) Relevance of tourism legislation