IGNOU MTTM-11 (January 2024 – July 2024) Assignment Questions
1. What are the different levels of Tourism Planning? Discuss the various elements of tourism addressed in the national level of tourism planning.
2. What do you understand by tourism plan? Discuss tourism plan formulation using checklist technique.
3. Define local level tourism planning. Critically examine the role of local bodies in developing tourism in our Country.
4. Discuss the measures undertaken by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for sustainable Tourism Development.
5. Planning tourist attractions is an important component of the planning process. How would you plan for special tourist attractions?
6. Why local level planning is important at tourism destinations? Suggest measures in this regard for better results.
7. Why strategic planning is necessary in tourism? Elaborate on the importance of strategic management in tourism.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Tourist Resort Development
b) Elements of Plan implementation in Tourism
c) Considerations of Planning a historical site
9. Explain how regional tourism planning can be incorporated into national level planning.
10. Write a note on UNWTO guidelines on Sustainable Tourism Development.
IGNOU MTTM-11 (January 2023 – July 2023) Assignment Questions
1. Discuss the importance of tourism planning by highlighting the various steps involved in the planning process.
2. Write short notes on the following:
a) Interactive Planning & Conventional Planning
b) Components of a Tourism system
3. What do you understand by environmental planning process? Discuss the steps involved in the environmental planning process.
4. What are the various techniques that can be applied to enhance the economic benefits of tourism.
5. “Tourism is a highly political phenomenon”. Elaborate on the statement by emphasizing on the role of government in tourism planning.
6. Discuss the major elements of plan implementation in tourism.
7. Discuss the role played by the public and private sector in tourism planning.
8. What do you understand by a tourism region? What aspects would you cover in a regional tourism plan?
9. Write short notes on the following:-
a) Components of Tourism Development
b) Checklist technique in plan formulation
10. Describe the type of planning required for Theme Parks and Convention Centres.