IGNOU MCSL-210 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Section 1: DBMS Lab
An e-Commerce portal provide online product purchase/shopping facility to its customers. It maintains the database of Products( including product category, price, discont to prime members) Customers (regular customer, prime customer) , Orders and Order Details . Customers need to register themselves by providing their address and contact details including email id and mobile number before placing any order. To become a prime customer a membership fee is charged to the customer. Customer order may include more than one products and a customer can place more than one orders. This shopping portal provides facility of both online payment and cash on delivery (COD).
Question 1:
List the entities, their attributes and relationships for the description given above and make an ERdiagram for this e-Commerce Portal. You may use the concept of keys, aggregation, generalisation, cardinality etc. as per need. Design the suitable RDBMS tables for the ER-diagram you have created. The database design should include keys, foreign keys, constraints and referential integrity constraints. Your database design should be normalized up to 3rd Normal Form. Make necessary assumptions wherever require.
Question 2:
Implement the database design (create tables) that you have created in question 1 using a RDBMS with proper integrity constraints. Enter about 8- 10 meaningful records in each of your table.
Question 3:
Write and run the following queries for your database using SQL commands:
1. List all the customers whose pin code is “ 110068” and have prime membership.
2. List the order id and amount of those orders which are placed during 2nd week of the month and are of amount less than 20,000.
3. List the customer details, who has placed their orders on 10-8-2024 and order value is more than 5000.
4. List all the customers whose name starts with alphabet ‘P’ and are not prime member.
5. Find the total price of the order id O00105 .
6. List the “Home & Kitchen Appliences” products information in the increasing order of discount rate ( in terms of percentage of price) for prime members.
7. Find the detail of products which not have been ordered even once during first week of the month.
8. List the order details of the orders which are placed by prime members on 10-8-2024 and payment mode is COD.
Section 2: Java Lab
Question 1:
Write a program to demonstrate use of different access specifiers in Java.
Question 2:
Write a java program to demonstrate constructor overloading, method overloading and method overriding. Make necessary assumptions.
Question 3:
Write a java program to create and use user defined exception
Question 4:
Write java programe to demonstrate use of StringBuider class methods ensureCapacity, setLength, append and replace.
Question 5:
Write a program using JDBC for simple CRUD application.