IGNOU MCSL-204 (January 2024 – July 2024) Assignment Questions
PART-I: Windows 10
Question 1: For the following given tasks of Windows 10, write the step-by-step procedure as well as attach the main screen shots:
(a) Use Cortana.
(b) Configure a printer.
(c) To update the windows operating system with latest updates.
(d) Configure the appearance of Windows,
(e) Arrange the Start Menu and Task bar to your liking and personalize the privacy settings.
(f) Work with Network and Sharing center
(g) Scheduling file backups.
(h) Resolving a Driver Problem Using Recovery Boot Options.
(i) Use the following system maintenance tools: (4 Marks)
(i) Windows Defender
(ii) Disk Defragmenter
(iii) Backup and Restore feature
(iv) Task Scheduler
Question 2:
Write the LINUX commands for the following:
a) Use the cat command, and display all the .txt files in the current directory on the screen at one go.
b) To copy dir3 to dir4 including sub-directories.
c) To search for a certain pattern in the files existing in the current directory
d) To list lines that does not include and in a text file.
e) To compress all .dat files in the current directory.
f) To decompress all the .dat files compressed in (e).
g) To pause any process.
h) To kill a process using its process-id.
i) To send a set of files to the line printer.
j) To list all the files in the present working directory including the hidden files
Question 3:
(a) Write a shell script program to perform all Arithmetic Operations using Command line arguments.
(b) Write a shell script program to search whether element is present is in the list or not and also display its position in the list.
(c) Write a shell program to illustrate the case statement.