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IGNOU MVE-05 Introduction to Management - IGNOU Solved Assignment (Latest)

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IGNOU MVE-05 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

i. Unfreezing, Moving and Refreezing are stages of ———————-.
ii. MIS means —————————————-.
iii. The ability to work with resources in particular area of expertise comes under ————— skills.
iv. —————- is the right to command and extract obedience from others.
v. Good management requires future directed ———–

Q2. True or False:

i. Union represents the collective strength of all the individual workers.
ii. Adaptive Decisions involves problem with large number of decision variables, where outcomes are predictable.
iii. OC is determined by only internal factors specific to the organization.
iv. The result of meeting the psychological contract is an increased level of trust & influence.
v. Formal Groups prescribe goals and relationship officially. .

Q3. Match the following:

i. Phases of Decision Making a. Off the job techniques
ii. On the job techniques b. Kelly
iii. Case Studies c. Henry Mintzberg
iv. Trait Theory d. Coaching
v. Path-goal Leadership Theory e. House

Q4. Write short notes on any two:

i. Organizing Skills
ii. Process of Strategy Formulation
iii. Responsibility of manager towards his customers

Q5. Differentiate between any two:

i. Strategic Planning and Operational Planning
ii. Individual versus Group Decision Making
iii. Top-down strategy and Bottom- Up strategy of change

Q6. Describe how stress can be managed amongst employees at the Organizational level?

Q7. How will we calculate annual manpower wastage under BIM?


IGNOU MVE-05 (January 2024 – July 2024) Assignment Questions

Q1. What do you mean by “the first level managers”. Discuss its function towards an organization?

Q2. Explain the distinction between operational and strategic planning?

Q3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making?

Q4. Write a short note on Theory X and Y style of Leadership.

Q5. Write short note on any one
(i) Decision making under certainty
(ii) Decision making under risk

Q6. Explain the type of factors which affect the firm‘s survival and growth.

Q7. Why do firms need to frame policies in The Organization?

Q8. What do you mean by organizational climate? Explain the various dimension of OC?

Q9. What is Stress? Explain the reasons /causes of stress?

Q10. Explain the Change process as described by Kurt Lewin?

MVE-05 Assignments Details

University : IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Title :Introduction to Management
Language(s) : English
Code : MVE-05
Degree :
Subject : Pharmaceutical Sales Management
Course : Core Courses (CC)
Author : Panel
Publisher : Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

IGNOU MVE-05 (Jul 24 - Jan 25, Jan 24 - Jul 24) - Solved Assignment

Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment MVE-05 – Introduction to Management Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in Urdu language. This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of English, for the Jul 24 - Jan 25, Jan 24 - Jul 24 session. The code for the assignment is MVE-05 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the IGNOU Solved Assignments, PGDPSM Degree. Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.

Assignment Submission End Date-upto

The IGNOU open learning format requires students to submit study Assignments. Here is the final end date of the submission of this particular assignment according to the university calendar.

  • 30th April (if Enrolled in the June Exams)
  • 31st October (if Enrolled in the December Exams).

What’s Included

In this section you can find other relevant information related to the Assignment you are looking at. It will give you an idea of what to expect when downloading a PDF soft copy from GullyBaba.

  • All Solved Answers By IGNOU Experts.
  • Available for 3 Times for Download.
  • Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF.
  • Print Ready Format: A4 (21 x 29 x .20 cm (Width x Length x Height)
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