IGNOU MBC-02 (January 2025 – December 2025) Assignment Questions
IGNOU MBC-02 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions
1. a) Name the cell organelles involved in following functions:
i) Drug detoxification
ii) RNA synthesis
iii) Protein Sorting
iv) Intracellular digestion
v) Citric acid cycle
b) Explain how microtubules assembly and disassembly.
2. a) Discuss collagen as an extracellular matrix molecule.
b) Explain in brief the structure and role of gap junctions.
3. a) What are the chromosomal changes during mitosis? Discuss it.
b) Explain the synaptonemal complex with the suitable diagram.
4. a) Write a brief account note on factors that affects the membrane fluidity and permeability.
b) Explain the following:
i) C. Value Paradox
ii) Monocistronic genes
5. a) Describe the chromosome bonding patterns.
b) Enlist the name and function of the enzymes involved in DNA replication.
6. a) Explain the mechanism of interaction between DNA binding proteins and Nucleic acid.
b) Differentiate between Zing-Finger motif and Leucine zipper motif
7. a) What are the basic transcriptional unit of E.Coli ?
b) Discuss the upstream and internal promotes of eukaryotic transcription.
8. a) Write about the nature of genetic code and its significance.
b) Explain the process by which amino acids are activated for protein synthesis.
9. Write a short note on the following:
a) Recombination repair
b) Lac Operon
10. a) Describe the RNA editing.
b) Discuss the translational control in eukaryotes.