IGNOU MZOE-02 (January 2025 – December 2025) Assignment Questions
IGNOU MZOE-02 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions
1. a) Briefly differentiate between the following pairs of terms:
i) Innate behaviour and acquired behaviour.
ii) Observational studies and experimental studies.
iii) Preference tests and motivation tests.
b) Define taxis. Differentiate among its different types.
2. a) What is reproductive mimicry? Write a short note on its various types.
b) Explain Pavlov’s Conditioning.
c) What is the difference between conditioned and unconditioned stimulus?
d) What is ‘extinction’ with reference to classical conditioning?
3. a) Explain the ‘feedback loop system’ for maintaining homeostasis in animals.
b) Describe characteristic features of social organization in insects.
4. a) Define the following terms:
i) Biological altruism
ii) Green-beard effect
iii) Coefficient of relatedness
iv) Reciprocal altruism
b) Differentiate between
a) Polygamy and Promiscuity
b) Serial and social monogamy
c) Polyandry and Polygyny
5. a) What are the costs and benefits of parental care?
b) Explain how genes and hormones control human behaviour.
6. a) Discuss different animal welfare standards.
b) Describe main conceptual ideas behind animal welfare.
7. a) Discuss the advantages of Five Freedoms.
b) How animal welfare assessment is useful?
8. a) Write the steps needed to implement animal welfare assessment in practice.
b) Discuss costs and benefits of social living.
9. a) What are the usual signals given by animals before attacking?
b) Why might wild / captive wild animals attack humans?
c) Give examples for cultural human-animal conflict.
d) Explain the concept of genetic selection in improving animal welfare.
10. a) Discuss some of the behavioural studies that have been used as supporting evidence for animal sentience.
b) What are the interventions to preserve species from extinction from ‘Nature Ethical View’ perspective?