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There are so Many Things that you Need to Know in B.Sc. Projects

by | Dec 5, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

Project-based  learning has almost become a norm in all universities. It is rightly so because for science students practical and theory go hand in hand. Science is such a subject where practicals are very much the part.

As far as B.Sc. Projects are concerned, these assume great importance. Non-submission of the project, or submitting the project that fails to impress the examiner, costs dearly to the students. Without the successful submission of project, the student does not get the result. But, there are great number of students who do not understand the gravity of importance of B.Sc. projects. The present blog discusses the inns and outs of this project.

Almost all universities of today have adopted a project-based learning. Projects assume greater value for science students, because in science, practical application matters the most. For example, you are taught the formation of soil, mountain in Geography. But, you are not given the project that needs to create these. But, in Science, you are supposed to prepare, the preparation of which you are taught.

As far as B.Sc. Projects are concerned,  the students tend to think that the things that they know and the information that they have, are more than adequate. However, the fact of the matter is that there are a number of things that are worth knowing, that most of the students do not know, or do not think that these merit knowing.

  • Creating an Interesting and Engaging Project:  Students tend to treat projects as problems, obstruction in getting their degree. So, they want to complete it anyhow. Most of the time, they rely on their seniors, or some already-prepared, and paste it out in their pages. Though, taking project from the outside source cannot be considered bad, or any ill practice, but it should not be As It Is. A prepared project should only be used as reference purpose. It should not take the place of the project itself. You should make sure that your project is interesting and engaging so that you can fare well in examination. If not, you may have to repent further.
  • Selecting the Topic of your Project: Needless to mention, selecting the topic of your project happens to be the first thing that you should think of. B.Sc. students generally search the web, libraries or several other online and offline sources to select the topic of their project. Even if they find a topic, they hardly comprehend the purpose for which a project is intended for, what should be the opening page of a project and how to conclude. They have very little knowledge about the title of their project, the number of pages that their project should contain as well as the other related things that are of almost same value and importance. Though program Guide is there to extend his or her helping hands, but a large number of students to not feel the necessity to consult the Guide.
  • Provide some real-world learning experiences: Mind, either it is a foodstuff or the content, what matters is fresh. No one wants stale food(or the content for that matter!). Those students who prepare project, only because they are asked to, but they do not have any excitement, enthusiasm and the willingness to prepare a unique, engaging and a project that provides some real-world learning experiences, fail to clear their project. So, if you do not want to meet with the same fate, you need to provide some real-world learning experiences through your project.

So, here is the takeaway for your B.Sc. Project. You need to make your Guide, your mentor, hear him or her, without any iota of doubt, read the project instructions carefully and most importantly, take by heart the tips mentioned above.

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