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Tips To Get Maximum Marks in IGNOU Exams

by | Apr 12, 2022 | IGNOU Exams | 0 comments

One of the common questions asked by students is “how to score good marks”. So in this article, we have given ten tips to get maximum marks in IGNOU exams. Let’s move on to the tips now.

Understand your syllabus

Only after you go through the entire syllabus, you will get an idea about the exam you are going to attend. It is advisable to read the whole book, note the important parts given in the syllabus, and start preparing for it. You cannot remember every point of what you read, but at least you will get the essence of what you read.

Concentrate on Study material

Concentrate on the IGNOU study material which is given to you. You need to focus on the essential things. When you start analyzing the study material with full focus, only then you will understand what is important and what is not. So, you can avoid the unnecessary portions and learn in accordance with your syllabus and get more marks.

Prepare your notes

You can prepare your own notes after reading the study material. You can write notes based on what you understand, and it will be useful. IGNOU study material helps you in preparing the notes.

Make it a habit to work on the assignments given to you

This is very important. If you develop the habit of working on the assignments assigned to you regularly, then you will find it very easy to prepare for the final exams. Also, you must solve the assignments on your own. You can refer and get help if you have doubts.

Refer to previous years' question papers

Only when you refer to the previous year's question paper you will get a better idea about the important questions that are frequently asked in the exams. Also, you will get to know the exam pattern, which is also essential. So go through the previous years' question paper and sample question paper. IGNOU solved assignments also helpful to students in their exams.

Bold topics are important

The IGNOU study material itself will have topics highlighted in bold. So, first learn those topics and then move on to the other important topics.

Prepare your own timetable

Plan your own IGNOU exam timetable. When you analyze and go through all the important topics, you would have got a better idea about the exam. Now the next step is to prepare your timetable. You need to split the topics and start learning for the exam in accordance with your timetable.

Get a good amount of sleep

This is also essential. We can understand, students will be restless before the exams. But having sleepless nights has chances to affect your health and even your memory power. So, it is very important to get a good rest befoare the exam. Don't stress yourself too much.

Revise the important topics

It is not advisable to learn till the last minute. So, once you have completed your preparation it is important to note the important topic and go through it before entering the exam hall. It must be the last part of the revision before exams.

Don't mug up anything

Try to understand and learn the subject. If you only memorize, then you may get confused and forget the things you learned.

Get help from Professors

If you don't understand any topic, you can get guidance from your professors instead of mugging up.


Gullybaba offers premium help books specially created to pass IGNOU exams in lesser time and effort, even if you are busy or working. Gullybaba exam notes also contain Guess Questions that help you to prepare for exams in a shorter duration of time. These are the best tips to get maximum marks in the IGNOU exams. We hope that we have given you useful tips. Follow the above-given tips and score good marks in your exams. All the very best!!

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