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Why Name GullyBaba?

It is said that a name defines the core of who you are. The name Gullybaba is the biggest testament to who we are, what we do and what we strive for!

This Unique & Interesting name Gullybaba is a combination of two words, viz., ‘Gully’ and ‘Baba’. The word ‘Gully’ comes from the ancient game played in Rural India–Tip cat. In Hindi, we call it Gully Danda ” गुल्ली डंडा ” which symbolizes Focus & Fitness (Action).
The word ‘Baba’ stands for teacher, an embodiment of Respect & Honour. And these are the fundamental parameters for achieving success. The reasons why the word Gully is incorporated in our name are as follows:


While playing “Gully Danda”, Focus plays a pivotal part. If one applies Force without Focus, the ‘Gully’ will likely carry more elevation than distance, resulting in the opposing team catching the gully and the hitter being ruled out.


This applies to the life of students as well, especially Distance learning students like those of IGNOU. Hard work without Focus is useless, and Focus can be at its best if you are Fit; that is why all our study material, reference books, and practise test material is organized & presented in a manner focused on making it easy for students to succeed without wasted efforts, that’s why we call it Fit material for IGNOU students. If you are Fit, you can cover a longer distance in the shortest time in your career.


The word “Baba” in “Gullybaba” refers to the teacher. In India, there is old precedence of calling Baba to an elder, guru, the mentor. The word ‘Baba‘ stands for seniors (Our Elders), an embodiment of Respect & Honour; Baba is one who guides us onto the right path. There is folklore in India, “Bin Guru hoi na Gyan” meaning wisdom or knowledge is not possible without a Guru(Baba).

Since Gullybaba is dedicated to helping IGNOU & all other distance learning students make their future brilliant. This is an apt name.

All our Books & Study Materials function as elder ‘BABA‘ helping students with FOCUSED Study and Fitness to always keep in action in long run, then comes the respect which is the foundation for life to work. Focus, Fitness, and Respect is the great mantra to get success in your studies as well as in your life.

Thus the name Gullybaba symbolizes that this publishing house functions only with one aim; the WELFARE OF STUDENTS.

We Gullybaba ❤  you!

Gullybaba, is a coined word, means focus, fitness, and respect. That’s all you need to succeed to be No.1 in your Career.
That’s how we craft our study materials using – HIGHEST STANDARDS and YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. Our Material has IMPORTANT MATERIAL, NO FLUFF & BEATING AROUND BUSH in its category; it’s proof of our pure intent & love.

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